Onside Kick Replacement, Ohio State’s RB Coach Jumps To Michigan, Gutter Wins Iditarod


Four proposals were submitted for changes to the NFL for next season. The Philadelphia Eagles are trying to mix it up a bit by proposing to replace the onside kick with one fourth-and-20 play from the kicking team’s 25-yard line. If successful, the team keeps the ball, just like they would have if they recovered an onside kick.

In college football, Ohio State’s longtime running backs coach, Tony Alford, jumped ship to rival Michigan.


Dallas Seaver, the guy who made headlines in early March for gutting a moose because it was attacking one of his dogs, won his sixth Iditarod (even though he received a two-hour time penalty for improperly gutting). Seaver now has the most wins by a musher in the race’s 52-year history.


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